
01903 905899 / 07434244556

Lancing & Sompting U3A

The group provides learning opportunities for people no longer in full-term employment, also aims to increase their confidence and sense well-being. The grant was to purchase a lightweight, sturdy and reliable sewing machine

How it fits with Sompting Big Local Outcomes
☑People will have increased skills and confidence
☐The community will be more united
☑People will feel that their area is an even better place to live, work and play

When we first acquired the machine we took turns trying out it’s capabilities and getting used to the various functions. As we usually have twelve members at the meetings this has taken a considerable amount of time.
We are now using it to make cushion covers, both for ourselves and to give to a local organisation. I will let you have more details when this project is completed.
The members of the group are delighted to have this machine and have already increased their sewing skills