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6Up Book Scheme

The 6Up Book Awards bridges Primary pupils with Secondary pupils through reading. Sharing 3 shortlisted books the readers get together to discuss their stories and vote for the winner.

The 6Up Book Awards is designed to encourage reading for please which research shows in the more reliable indicator for future success. By Discussing the books beyond just members of the Awards it allows pupils to read beyond their normal range. An effect of collaborating between school would be to build relationships between the staff and pupils so that pupils feel safe and secure in their transition between Primary and Secondary.

How it fits with Sompting Big Local Outcomes

☑People will have increased skills and confidence
☑The community will be more united
☐ People will feel that their area is an even better place to live, work and play

We had the author Nicky Singer visit the academy and speak to the year 7s from SRWA and the year 6s taking part in the Award from the other schools. Nicky was an inspiring speaker and encouraged all of us to be more involved and concerned with our environment – locally and globally. On the 15th March, we held the Award Presentation afternoon. We had 48 year 6 students, 4 SRWA year 7 students and 8 visiting members of staff in our LRC! We had a great time discussing our favourite books and there were activities and of course refreshments! All students had received “Reading Passports” in September in which they could write their book reviews, write a little about themselves as readers and also do some art work. One ‘best passport’ from each of the Primary schools was awarded a book token. All students received a certificate for participating in the awards and of course the voting and announcement of the winner was the highlight of the afternoon!