
01903 905899 / 07434244556


The EPIC project is a project designed to re-route the Broadwater Brook to a new course across Sompting Brooks. This will then be open to the public via a new footpath. There will also be a wildlife viewing hide and seating area with interactive displays and information boards.

The wildlife viewing hide will be created through community workshops held in Sompting.
The hide will be woven from living willow with assistance from local experts. Once constructed
the hide will be installed overlooking the river and neighbouring reedbed habitat
and will facilitate wildlife watching. There will be a total of three workshops to construct the hide with activities
for children at the same time to overcome barriers to participation.

How it fits with Sompting Big Local Outcomes

☑People will have increased skills and confidence
☑The community will be more united
☑People will feel that their area is an even better place to live, work and play