
01903 905899 / 07434244556

Grant Scoring Criteria

Every grant we get is scored by the following criteria. All areas are scored out 5, giving a maximum score of 35. We would expect a fair response at least in all categories.

Unacceptable ResponseWeak ResponseFair ResponseGood ResponseResponse which exceeds Criteria
Unacceptable Response:
Weak Response:
Fair Response:
Good Response:
Response which exceeds Criteria:
About your project
Unacceptable Response:
None is provided or it show little or no evidence on how it will be delivered or how it will benefit Sompting Residents
Weak Response:
There is a brief outline but fails to demonstrate how it will improve Sompting
Fair Response:
There is a brief outline of the project and why it is needed
Good Response:
The outline of the project show why it is needed and how it will make things better in Sompting
Response which exceeds Criteria:
The project outline clearly demonstrates the need and benefit to Sompting Residents
Does the Project fit into at least one of the Big Local outcomes?
Unacceptable Response:
None provided or does not meet any outcome
Weak Response:
Project weakly meets 1 Big Local outcome
Fair Response:
Project meets 1 of the Big Local Outcomes
Good Response:
Project meets 2 of the Big Local Outcomes
Response which exceeds Criteria:
Project meets all 3 of the Big Local Outcomes
Does the project fit into one of the themes on the Sompting Big Local plan?
Unacceptable Response:
None provided
Weak Response:
Other is selected
Fair Response:
Project fits into 1 of the Sompting Big Local themes.
Good Response:
Project fits into 2 or 3 Sompting Big Local themes
Response which exceeds Criteria:
Project fit into all 4 Sompting Big Local themes.
Is there a plan to make the project sustainable?
Unacceptable Response:
The project is not sustainable
Weak Response:
Project has met the criteria but there is little or no clear evidence of how it will be sustainable
Fair Response:
The project has clear evidence to make the project sustainable
Good Response:
The project has good evidence on how to make it sustainable
Response which exceeds Criteria:
The project has thought creatively and innovatively on how to make it sustainable
Have risks been identified and a plan to mitigate them
Unacceptable Response:
No risks have been identified
Weak Response:
Key risks have been identified but there is no plan to mitigate them.
Fair Response:
Key risks have been identified and there is a plan to mitigate them
Good Response:
Many risks have been identified with a plan to mitigate key risks
Response which exceeds Criteria:
Many risks have been identified with a plan to mitigate these.
Does the project have match funding?
Unacceptable Response:
No match funding
Weak Response:
Match funding has been identified for but not yet applied for
Fair Response:
Match funding has been identified and applied for or the project is considered not appropriate for match funding
Good Response:
Match Funding has been identified and has been secured from 1 other funder (for 2 or more other funders)
Response which exceeds Criteria:
Match Funding has been identified and has been secured from all other funders
Has a Budget been submitted?
Unacceptable Response:
No Budget submitted
Weak Response:
A Basic Budget has been submitted
Fair Response:
A basic budget has been submitted with items that Sompting Big Local will pay for clearly marked
Good Response:
A detailed expenditure budget
Response which exceeds Criteria:
A detailed Budget with other income identified.