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New Partnership Members Wanted

Posted by Emma

10th February 2023

Our partnership members are key to Sompting Big Local’s success by guiding the program’s overall direction.  

Things our partnership members have been involved in this year: 

  • Rewriting our plan for the last two years. 
  • Voting on Action Fund Applications. 
  • Volunteering at circus workshops, warm hub at Avon Court or singalong. 
  • Working with Community Works as our legal body.  
  • Help bring together community views 
  • Spread the news on Big Local 
  • Attending National Local Trust events 

As we enter the Big Local program’s final two years, we seek residents to join our partnership.  

Over the final two years partnership members will be involved in: 

  • Regularly reflect on our achievements and learn lessons for the future. 
  • Vote on Action Fund Applications. 
  • volunteer at events and activities. 
  • Work with Community Works 
  • Bring together community views 
  • Help to close down the Sompting Big Local project. 

You don’t need any special skills, however, we expect our partnership members to provide information and advice about the day-to-day quality of life in Sompting, encourage others to take part in supporting Sompting Big Local, and are committed to equal opportunities and inclusion.  

The partnership is passionate about ensuring local concerns are addressed and solutions have local support.  

Partnership members are supported by Sompting Big Local’s paid worker, Community Works, and the Local Trust advisor. We meet monthly in person (or by zoom if necessary) but also stay in touch using an online platform.