
01903 905899 / 07434244556


I would just like to take the this chance to say thank-you to the people who help run the Sompting Big Local Hub. As someone who has no computer at home it is a real help to come here and use one of their laptops. They have helped me when I have needed help and shown me a few things on the computer I didn’t know. Also the staff are friendly and polite and I enjoy myself when I visit the hub.

Tony E

To everyone at the Sompting Big Local Hub

Thankyou for letting me trash your shop!! make a noise with loads of kids and making me feel so welcome.

This Porject would not of happen without your fundingand support and Im extremely grateful.

Jane, Strange Creature Workshop

Thank-you for the boys Guy Fawkes Competition prize- we are thrilled to have won-it was great fun

Milo and Lucas

..Yesterday, having a computer program problem, I nipped into the IT Junction office where I was warmly welcomed by your resident electronics experts Harry and John.

The problem was resolved by Harry who then explained exactly where I was going wrong in layman’s terms which I actually understood. Even more importantly it was a free service. I was extremely grateful for all the help and adviceI recieved.

Whilst I was there I could not help but notice that a lady was being helped to configure her new mobile phone settings I did not realise help with mobiles was on offer.

David P