
01903 905899 / 07434244556

Grant Guidance

Please ensure you read all the guidance before submitting an Action Fund grant form.


The Sompting Big Local Action Fund is designed to enable organisations and groups working in the Sompting area to support projects that improve the quality of life for local people.  


Applications are invited from local voluntary and community organisations to bring projects to Sompting that are within the following priorities. 

  • Improving the health and wellbeing of residents  
  • Investing in young people 
  • Creating new and sustainable events to make Sompting a more united community 

It may fund capital expenses (e.g. Equipment, furniture or materials etc.) of revenue costs (e.g. Venue costs) 

 How much money is available? 

 Each year Sompting Big Local allocate the total of £9,000 towards the Action Fund, with a maximum of £900 awarded to each individual grant.

 The money is available for provisions across the Sompting Big Local Area. A full breakdown of costs is required as part of the application process.  

 As we move into our final three years, we expect organisations and groups to look at how they plan to carry on funding the project after their grant period and if the project is more than £900, they are looking at other ways to raise the required funds. 

We are happy to help other funding streams and talk through ideas.

 Who can apply? 

 Any Voluntary or community sector organisation who either are based in Sompting or who would deliver their project in Sompting. 

You must: 

  • Have a commitment to providing high quality provision in the area. 
  • Have a commitment to equal opportunities and diversity. 
  • Be able to spend the grant within the specified timescale (usually 12 months) 
  • Be able to demonstrate how you involve people who will benefit in the design, delivery and evaluation of provision. 
  • Priority will be given to groups/organisations applying for the first time.  
  • Community groups must be not-for-profit 
  • Community groups/organisations must hold a bank account with at least two signatories and can not be a personal account.


Aims and Outcomes. 

 The aim of your proposal will be consistent with the aims of Big Local to make the area an even better place to live and support local people to get involved in contributing to this. More information about the Big Local can be found on the local trust website



Important points to consider when making an application 

  • Ensure your project benefits the residents of Sompting. Is there a need in Sompting? 
  • Give us as much detail as you can- if you have a plan written in another document just upload it rather than trying to copy and paste.
  • Think about what risks your project might encounter, and how will you deal with them if they did.
  • You will need to show us how your project is sustainable, so it will continue once your funding has run out.
  • If you are only asking for a grant for part of your project clearly mark on your budget sheet which items Sompting Big Local will be paying for- Use a spreadsheet that can then be uploaded.
  • If applying towards a larger project all other funding must be in place
  • Tell us who else is funding you, remember this does not have to be just financial but in terms of time, equipment etc.
  • If your application involves contact with children or vulnerable adults you will need to supply us with your policy. We may ask for assurances that a  DBS is carried out for all those who require one.
  • Tell us if you or someone in your group is on the, related to or has a close working relationship to someone on our partnership. This does not mean you can apply, it just means that that person can not be involved in the decision making process.
  • If your application is successful you will be required to have spent the funding and complete a monitoring and evaluation form at least 12 months after the funding has been received. This form will include a breakdown of spend, and we reserve the right to ask for receipts/invoices. 
  • Successful applicants will also be expected to display the Sompting Big Local logo on all publicity relating to the funded project.
  • Decisions made by the Partnership are final. 

Sompting Big Local grants won’t fund: 

  •  Retrospective applications 
  • Projects that do not benefit residents of the Big Local area 
  • Activities that have a direct financial benefit to organisational members 
  • Projects which will only benefit one individual 
  • Projects that relate solely to religious purposes 
  • Political activities 
  • Presentation Nights 


You will be required to demonstrate the effectiveness of your Project. 

This may take the form of a questionnaire completed by participants, a survey carried out online, a video film or other form of report. We will ask for 5 photos in the monitoring and evaluation form if your project is successful. In your application, tell us how you plan demonstrate how effective your project has been.

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How we score your grant