
01903 905899 / 07434244556

SBL hub

The SBL hub is being used by a variety of local organisations and groups for learning, socialising and support. We aim to work with others to allow access to services which may be difficult for sompting residents to access otherwise. The hub can also be used by new...

Hamble Park

Having held a meeting with Adur District Council, they have confirmed they have secured funding of £75000 for the redevelopment of the play area of Hamble park. Sompting Big Local are delight to announce that we are to contribute a further £15000 to this project. To...

Public and Partnership Meeting

Sompting Big Local’s next public meeting meeting is 25th Feburary 2016 at the St Peters CHurch, Bowness Avenue from 7pm to 9pm. Agenda will be available before the meeting on our website. Should you have questions please email the secretary

Evening IT Junction

Happy New Year to everyone, we have had some interest in doing some practical IT work during the evening and we are currently putting something together from basics to working with PowerPoint, Excel, Internet access etc. If you are interested then please call in at...

Christmas and New Year opening times

The Sompting Big Local Hub will be closed from 12 noon on 24th December and will re-open on Tuesday 5th December at 9.30am. From all of us at Sompting Big Local, we wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.