
01903 905899 / 07434244556

Sir Robert Wood Academy

Sir Robert Wood Academy

We are delighted to be able to awarded a grant to The Sir Robert Woodard Academy to allow them to take part in the BookTrust Booksbuzz scheme. This scheme encourages young people to read by giving them a selection 17 books which they can choose to purchase for £3....
Sompting Recreation Ground

Sompting Recreation Ground

Our thanks to Emily and Craig, Park Rangers for installing the new community notice board on Sompting Recreation Ground. We hope that this will provide a space for us and others to share details on activities and events going on in Sompting. If you are running an...
Sompting Rec enhancements

Sompting Rec enhancements

As part of the planned enhancements for Sompting Recreation Ground, we have purchased a selection of trees, and bushes. Helping to improve the eco-diversity on the recreation ground, as well has increasing the shade coverage once the trees have established. Working...
Grant Update

Grant Update

In October, we awarded a grant to Sir Robert Woodard Academy’s Allotment club, to enable them to purchase a new larger shed. This shed would double up as a outdoor classroom. They also received funding from Lancing and Sompting Parish Councils. They also used...
Summer Activities

Summer Activities

2020 was like no other year, it also meant we could not get together for events like we have in previous years. We hope with restrictions lifting, we can put on some events. We will follow guidance set down by the government to keep you, your family, volunteers and...