
01903 905899 / 07434244556

Tell us your views about a new Hub!

  We’re excited to launch our consultation on a new community Hub in the North Sompting part of the Sompting Big Local area. We are currently working with consultants to assess feasibility of this and we really want to hear your views on whether you would use a...

Mini Medics

We are delighted to have been awarded a grant for £960 from One Stop carriers for causes grants scheme. We will be purchasing some new equipment to allow us to run Mini Medics course for 7-11 year old in Sompting to learn basic live saving 1st Aid...

Christmas 2019

The Sompting Big Local Hub will be closed from Saturday 21st December 2019 to Sunday 5th January 2020. The Hub landline will not be monitored over the Christmas Period, however in case of emergency please call/ text 07434244556 and leave a message. From everyone at...